Your generosity would be much appreciated with this campaign.
Donations may be made via clicking on ‘Donate’ button on this website or directly to the campaign account:
Bank name & Address: Allied Irish Banks, The Quay, Waterford
Account name: The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter CLG
Account No: 36429015
IBAN: IE63 AIBK 9342 7536 4290 15
Our supporters who avail of the government’s Charitable Donation Scheme (see below) may have their donation included in this scheme at no extra cost. If you would like to discuss this, please contact us.
UK Benefactors
Benefactors in the UK may donate to the Irish apostolate’s sterling account for the Appeal:
Bank name & Address: Allied Irish Banks, Sterling Branch, St Helens, 1 Undershaft, London, EC3A 8AB
Account Name: The Priestly Fraternity Of Saint Peter CLG
Account Number: 19034059
IBAN: GB43 AIBK 2385 9019 0340 59
Sort Code: 23-85-90
USA Benefactors
If you are an American-based donor, please contact us.

Supporting our Ministry
Bank Transfers and Standing Orders
To make a bank transfer or regular donations through a Standing Order to support our work, please use the following bank account details:
Bank name & Address: Bank of Ireland; Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.
Account name: Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Account No: 40483756
IBAN: IE36BOFI90149040483756
To download our standing order form, please use the link below:
Charitable Donation Scheme
The Charitable Donation Scheme allows tax relief on qualifying donations made to the FSSP Apostolate. If an individual donates €250 or more in a year, the Apostolate can claim a refund of tax paid on that donation. A donation will qualify under the Charitable Donation Scheme if it is a payment of at least €250 made in a single year.
Under the scheme, the Apostolate must be able to identify how much you have donated. To support this we will issue you a donor number. The easiest way for us to do this is for you to set up a Standing Order payable to the Apostolate. If you have online banking you can do this through your portal:
• Payee: Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
• BAN: IE36 BOFI 9014 9040 4837 56
Alternatively you can complete a standing order form. Please include your name as part of the payment reference so we can identify the source of the donation (without this we cannot make a claim).
To allow the Apostolate to claim the relief you must complete the following form:
and return it to:
St Oliver Plunkett House
Cork Road
Waterford City, X91 N677
Where you allow the Apostolate to claim the relief, you will not be able to claim a refund of the same tax. The relief is calculated by grossing up the donation at the specified rate. The specified rate is currently 31%. If an individual donates €250 under the scheme, the Apostolate can claim €112 (assuming that you have paid enough tax).
In order to claim the refund, the Apostolate must collect
• donor name
• donor Personal Public Service Number (PPSN)
• amount of donation
• whether or not the donor is associated with the charity
This information is provided by completing one of the forms mentioned above.
By returning the completed from to FSSP Ireland, you consent to the Fraternity of St Peter: (i) Using the personal data contained in the form; (ii) forwarding certain details to the Revenue Commissioners; (iii) disclosing details on the form to the apostolate’s accountants, as required, in connection with the apostolate’s application for tax relief on donations. FSSP Ireland will retain your data relating to the above in line with financial and Revenue requirements. This will likely mean that we will need to retain the information for 7 years.
For any queries, please email finance[at]fssp.ie
Please remember us in your will. As a registered charity, FSSP Ireland can be included as a beneficiary in your will, while being exempt from tax. Since we are not supported financially by the Irish dioceses where we serve, we rely essentially on your generosity. Bequeathing properties or substantial amounts of money to us through your will is the best way to endow our Fraternity in Ireland with the financial security we need to continue our service to souls and even to expand it, please God. Please contact us or speak with your solicitor for further information.