Commencing with the first week of the new Church year, December 2023, there will be two changes to our weekday Mass schedule at St John’s church: Monday Mass will now be offered at 11am and Wednesday Mass will be offered at 8am.
The updated Mass schedule below may be downloaded as a reminder for each Mass-time.
As always, any rare exceptions to our weekday Mass schedule (due to parish funerals or an evening Mass for holy days) will be stated in advance on this website, on the newsletter and electronic newsletter, as well as on the noticeboard in the church porch and in the announcements at Sunday Mass.
“What graces, gifts and virtues the Holy Mass calls down.”
— St Leonard of Port Maurice
“We appeal to legislators to respect the integrity of healthcare as a service to life from conception until natural death”
“We are conscious that, all across Ireland, many families are engaged day by day in accompanying loved ones who are terminally ill. As an expression of our pastoral support, we have decided that ‘Care at the End of Life’ will be the focus of our annual celebration of the Day for Life next June.
“Whenever serious illness comes to our door, we need our family members and friends to stay close to us and to walk with us through ‘the valley of darkness’. This can be an enormously difficult and challenging time for families, but it can also be a very privileged time. Faced with the reality of their own mortality, many people, young and old, discover within themselves hidden reserves of faith, hope and love, which can often be an inspiration to those who accompany them. In that privileged time, there is an opportunity to express gratitude and to heal wounded relationships.
“We are aware that, by contrast, our legislators are currently engaged in discussing the legalisation of assisted suicide. This is presented by some as a way of respecting the autonomy of a person for whom life has become unbearable. In reality it is an abdication of the responsibility of society to support people who are terminally ill and their families, in living the final days and weeks of life as fully and richly as possible. From our knowledge of what has happened in other jurisdictions, it is also clear to us that the availability of assisted suicide is very quickly extended to include people with all kinds of life limiting conditions, including intellectual disability, whose continued existence is perceived to be a burden on society.
“We take this opportunity to affirm the generosity and dedication of healthcare professionals, including chaplains, in caring for people who are terminally ill. The care they provide bears witness to the healing that is possible even when there is no longer any possibility of a ‘cure’. We appeal, in the strongest possible terms, to all our legislators, who are entrusted with the care of the common good, to respect the integrity of healthcare as a service to life from conception until natural death.”
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In this issue:
Editorial: The Youth of Roman Traditions
Fr de Malleray reports on World Youth Day in Portugal last August with the Juventutem youth movement. A low-key presence but loaded with many graces, not least the protection of Our Lady of Fatima.
Juventutem Summer Weekend at Ampleforth
Tom Clovis, FSSP describes the successful annual Summer Weekend organised by Juventutem for 70 young adults in Ampleforth Abbey last July, boding well of next summer’s edition for the 20th anniversary of Juventutem.
Good News: Truth Can Be Known
A typed version of the talk by Conan McGonagle, FSSP on objective truth and how we can grasp it. Relativism influences us all. With St Thomas Aquinas, common sense is the best guide to use God’s creation fruitfully.
Priest Novelists: Evangelising through Fiction
The example of Cardinals Newman and Wiseman, among others, illustrates why some priests write novels to reach out to souls. Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP surveys the involvement of clerics in the literary apostolate.
First FSSP House in Ireland
Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP rejoices as the Bishop of Waterford blesses the first permanent dwelling of the FSSP on the Emerald Isle in Waterford. A major encouragement in our Irish mission.
Novel The Island without Seasons
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP reviews a recent novel by a Romanian author and Tolkien expert. Hero Alexander Wills is sent on a quest for lost Atlantis, a warning to our modern age to have to learn from the past.
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