Dowry Magazine Spring Issue online

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In this issue:

Editorial: The Work of our Redemption

Fr de Malleray, FSSP addresses concerns about the future of the traditional Latin Mass. The prospects are bleak, but divine Providence will support us if we put our hearts into this liturgy as a means of sanctification for us and others.

Adolescents Make Rosary Beads

Romeo and Lucianna Robinson, a disabled young man and his sister, found that their usual beads did not last very long. They decided to make their own. Now they sell them as an apostolate.

God Tangled: Christ’s Crowning with Thorns

As a Lenten meditation, Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP explains how the thorns of the crown of Our Lord prophetically ‘stem from’ the timber of the cross as prefigured in various episodes in the Old Testament. 

Bl. Noël Pinot, a Shepherd for Times of Trial

Frs Franck Labbé and A. de Malleray tell the story of the exemplary pastor who, during the French Revolution, walked up to the guillotine wearing his priestly vestments and praying the very first words of Holy Mass, ‘Introibo ad altare Dei’.

Vendée War Heroes Inspire Young Catholics

Young Catholics in France learn about the courage of their forefathers, mostly country people and a few local gentry who stood up for their faith against formidable odds, whose bravery earned them the admiration even of Napoleon.

Priory Campaign Reopened

Times call for strong traditional Catholic centres, such as St Mary’s Warrington. Invest with us in a fully-fledged traditional Catholic hub with versatile conference hall sitting 218 guests.

First House in Ireland for our Fraternity

Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP describes the encouraging growth of our Irish apostolate. He trusts in the intercessions of saints and the assistance of the faithful to consolidate our first base on the island of saints and scholars.

Forthcoming Events

Supporters of the traditional Latin Mass will be eager to book early for these various events, including children’s camps, youth summer weekend, pilgrimages, confirmations, and retreat for all.

Support our Apostolate     

Unlike long-established religious orders and dioceses endowed with valuable assets providing regular income, the FSSP in this country relies essentially on the generosity of its benefactors. Thank you for your support to help us do more for God and souls.

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In this issue:

Editorial: Pope Benedict XVI, R.I.P.

Homily at the Solemn Mass of Requiem for Pope Benedict XVI on 7 January 2023 in Warrington. Fr de Malleray expresses gratitude for the fruitful ministry of Pope Benedict XVI. He recalls his involvement in the founding of the FSSP as Cardinal Ratzinger; during the papal interregnum, his uncompromising diagnosis of the woes of the Church; his unexpected election to the sovereign pontificate; his support of the traditional Roman liturgy; and his successful visit in Great Britain in 2010. R.I.P.

Adrian IV, The English Pope – Part 2

In this second instalment (continued from Dowry N°54, Summer 2022), young convert and historian Adam Mercer describes the life of the only English Pope so far, from his election onward. A courageous evangeliser in Scandinavia, Pope Adrian IV (Nicholas Breakspear) was caught into the never-ending political turmoil of the Middle-Ages, hindering his more fruitful theological activity.

Watching The Chosen?

Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP discusses the flaws and merits of a successful series on the life of the Lord Jesus. How to bring the Good News of salvation to young people, most of whom spend several hours online every day on social media and watching series? Despite some defects, the highly successful series The Chosen can be an opportunity for evangelisation. May it spur solid Catholics to become involved in making many more good faith films.

Refugees Find A Home In Catholic Tradition

Whereas Catholicism used to prosper in Hong Kong, it is now under threat as part of the alleged “Western” influence targeted by Communist China. Like many families of late leaving Hong Kong, this father-of-two describes his journey to faraway but freer England, and his providential discovery of the traditional liturgy.

Young Catholics Mourn Cardinal George Pell

The late Cardinal Pell supported the young adults of the traditional youth movement Juventutem from the beginning. Whereas Catholics honour the memory of the courageous prelate for numerous reasons, his paternal encouragements to young people attached to the liturgy of our fathers are treasured by the Juventutem International Federation, and by all those who see these traditions as a vital enrichment for the Church universal.

Art: Claude Lorrain’s Seaport by Sunset

Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP comments on a painting by Claude Lorrain, 1639, from Le Louvre, Paris. Claude painted various harbours, delighting in exquisite renderings of sunset and sunrise over the waters, ships and shores. Despite the absence of explicit religious elements however, Claude’s picture offers a meditation on the passing of time that spurs beholders to aspire to everlasting shores.