Schedule for Lockdown

Sunday Mass Livestream

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be broadcast live from St John’s Church, Waterford each Sunday at 1pm during the lockdown. To watch, click on the image below.

Adoration and Confession

St John’s Church will be open for private prayer each Sunday from 2:30pm-4:30pm, during which time confession will be available. There will be a holy hour of Eucharistic Adoration from 3pm-4pm each Sunday when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Midnight Mass in the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Barronstrand Street, Waterford.

Confessions available from 11:15pm
Please note the different location for this Mass.

Christmas Day1pm Mass in St Alphonsus Church in Barntown. 

Confessions available from 12:30pm

The Golden Mass of Ember Wednesday

7:30am on Wednesday 16th December in St John’s Church, Waterford 

On the Wednesday of Ember Week in Advent, in veneration of the coming Maternity of our Lady, there is celebrated in many places a Solemn Mass called the Golden Mass, which is offered just before the dawn.
Lit entirely by candlelight, it reminds us that we await breathlessly the spiritual dawn: the coming of the uncreated Light into the world through the birth of our beloved Saviour.