In this issue: Editorial: Liturgical Identity Confirmed Fr de Malleray tells the quasi miracle of the papal decree showing that the FSSP does not fall under the recent restrictions of the traditional liturgy. Ending Habitual Sins Pragmatic approach and tips to monitor the gradual weakening of vice upon a soul. 100th Anniversary of Chesterton’s Conversion Stuart McCullough describes the annual pilgrimage to GK Chesterton’s grave, with planned Mass in the presence of the Bishop of Northampton. Easter Dawn Mass Fr Gerard Quirke remembers the Covid lockdown, when difficult decisions had to be made in relation to the celebration of Holy Mass. Falling in Eucharistic Love Sophia Institute Press presents the brand-new edition of Ego Eimi – It is I, by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP. An accessible and entertaining presentation of the faith of the Church on the Holy Eucharist. Unexpected 19th Century Catholic Revival Laura Calnan shows how the Catholic revival in Europe two centuries ago was a surprise which could occur again if we learn from that past success. The Diary of a Country Priest Today Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP tackles the issue of discouragement for laity and clergy alike, through a presentation of Georges Bernanos’ masterpiece. What was the trade of St Joseph? Fr Armand de Malleray examines the basis in Scripture and Tradition for identifying the trade of Our Lord’s foster-father as a carpenter.
Pray the Traditional Latin Mass, with the 1962 Missale Romanum presented in a clear and simple format. Continuous Latin and English text with reduced rubrics are included for Sundays (no page-jumping required), and complete Mass propers are offered in English for weekdays and feasts of each month.
Enter the broader stream of Catholic liturgy with daily excerpts included from both Lauds and Vespers of the 1960 Breviarum Romanum, the official morning and evening hours of prayer used by clergy and religious throughout the world.
Learn at the feet of Catholic spiritual masters each day, with devout meditations curated exclusively from saints and scholars who prayed and loved the Ancient Mass, from the Early Church to the early 1900s.
Dive deeper into our heritage of Faith through insightful mini-essays on the feasts and saints of the traditional calendar, as well as brief catecheses and ideas for extending a liturgical life into the home.
Several pages of superb Catholic prayers, proven over generations of pious use. Some are offered in Latin as well as English, to further enable and enrich personal and communal prayer in the mother tongue of the Church.
Contemplate a masterpiece of religious art in every issue, rendered in stunning color and clarity. Thematic works are selected to suit each month, and print subscribers receive a separable holy card with every issue.
Foster a vibrantly Catholic culture with monthly pages of edifying prose, poetry, or music. Enjoyable in themselves, selections are made to help cultivate a thoroughly Catholic imagination.
New edition by Sophia Institute Press. Safe and easy purchase from the publisher’s website is much more advantageous to the Catholic publisher and author (than on Amazon who retain nearly all and pays publisher and author a tiny fraction).
Belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist has declined drastically over the past fifty years. For the love of the Lord and the good of souls, how can we help reverse this trend?
Whether you are a believer or struggling, this book will help you develop a personal relationship with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. In these pages, Fr. Armand de Malleray looks afresh at traditional Church teaching on the Holy Eucharist. He demonstrates that it is implemented with precision, strength, and beauty in the time-tested Traditional Latin Mass missal.
In his engaging and accessible style, Fr. de Malleray explains the significance of each precious detail of the traditional Eucharistic liturgy, from the opening words of the Preparatory Prayers, “Judge me, O God,” to the importance of punctuating the words of Consecration, to the meaning of the celebrant’s genuflections before and after the elevation.
Fr. de Malleray explains essential doctrines such as transubstantiation, the concomitant presence of Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, and the nature of the Eucharistic fragments. He also describes in moving detail Our Lady’s role in drawing us closer to her Eucharistic Son.
Replete with real-life stories, modern-day references, and cultural and historical reflections, Ego Eimi will inspire you to worship the Real Presence as an ardent believer, orient you to the invisible realities occurring, and foster a greater love for our Eucharistic Lord in your heart. You will learn to treasure the Holy Eucharist more deeply through Scripture, Church teachings, and philosophical reasoning. Experience the Eucharistic Fire: embrace the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and adore God’s gratuitous love.
Guided by the Church in which our Eucharistic Savior dwells, you will also learn how belief in the Real Presence:
Surpasses other forms of God’s presence
Is the central mystery and core tenet of our Faith
Manifests God’s divine mercy as reflected in the prayers of the traditional Mass
Trains us in contrition and prepares us for a favorable eternal judgment
Deepens our love so that each time we worship will feel like our first, last, and only Mass
15 to 30 copies: 40% off ($10.77 each)
31 to 40 copies: 45% off ($9.87 each)
Ordered by the case (44 per case): 50% off ($8.98 each).
Shipping for all bulk discounts is at cost, which is roughly $18-30 per case depending on where it’s being shipped.
For example, a box of 44 copies including shipping to the UK amounts to just £9.55 per copy.
We are delighted that after a two-year gap, it looks as though it will be possible this year to have our residential summer camps, for children aged 10-17.
St Peter Summer Camp for Boys runs 1-6 August
St Petronilla Summer Camp for Girls runs 8-13 August
Both camps take place at Savio House, Bollington (nr Macclesfield), in the gorgeous setting of the Peak District. There will be daily Mass, Compline, rosary, catechism & chant classes, sport, and various games. Very often the children put on a play for the parents at the end of the camp. Each camp is staffed by priests and seminarians of the FSSP, as well as a number of dedicated lay volunteers. Catering is provided by Savio House.
Please complete the booking form and return to Fr Phipps with deposit to book a place for your child. Please note, spaces are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Join us in the recitation of the act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, this Friday, March 25, feast of the Annunciation in St John’s church.
Saturday 12th March at St Peter’s College Chapel, Summerhill Road, Wexford Y35XFN8
10:30am Confessions 11am Holy Mass NB: this Mass will be instead of the usual Saturday Mass in Waterford. 11:45am Adoration and Talk 12:45pm Benediction 1pm Teas and coffees