FSSP Summer Camps 2023 – Bookings now open!

We are delighted to announce that we are now taking bookings for our summer camps in August 2023. The St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys runs 7-12 August; the St Petronilla Summer Camp for Girls runs 14-19 August. The cost is £200 for the first child of a family attending each camp, and then £100 for subsequent children from that family.

There is an online booking form here. (NB this form does not include a facility for online payment. Please either send a cheque in the post to Fr Phipps, or use bank transfer).

Alternatively, please print off a booking form here and send to Fr Phipps, either by post or by email to fsspcamps.uk@gmail.com. A place will be reserved on receipt on the £30 deposit. NOTE there is a deadline of 1st July to receive the booking form and deposit.

Postal address: 

Fr Seth Phipps FSSP
St John Fisher House
17 Eastern Avenue

Cheques should be made payable to FSSP England

Bank Transfer: please use reference S/CAMP23

Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-93-04
Account number: 02027225
Account name: FSSP England

For international transfers, you may also need:

Bank Branch: Palmerston Rd Southsea
Bank Address: Ariel House, 2138 Coventry Road, Sheldon, B26 3JW
IBAN: GB09LOYD30930402027225
SWIFT code: LOYDGB21361