In this issue:
Editorial: Liturgical Identity Confirmed
Fr de Malleray tells the quasi miracle of the papal decree showing that the FSSP does not fall under the recent restrictions of the traditional liturgy.
Ending Habitual Sins
Pragmatic approach and tips to monitor the gradual weakening of vice upon a soul.
100th Anniversary of Chesterton’s Conversion
Stuart McCullough describes the annual pilgrimage to GK Chesterton’s grave, with planned Mass in the presence of the Bishop of Northampton.
Easter Dawn Mass
Fr Gerard Quirke remembers the Covid lockdown, when difficult decisions had to be made in relation to the celebration of Holy Mass.
Falling in Eucharistic Love
Sophia Institute Press presents the brand-new edition of Ego Eimi – It is I, by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP. An accessible and entertaining presentation of the faith of the Church on the Holy Eucharist.
Unexpected 19th Century Catholic Revival
Laura Calnan shows how the Catholic revival in Europe two centuries ago was a surprise which could occur again if we learn from that past success.
The Diary of a Country Priest Today
Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP tackles the issue of discouragement for laity and clergy alike, through a presentation of Georges Bernanos’ masterpiece.
What was the trade of St Joseph?
Fr Armand de Malleray examines the basis in Scripture and Tradition for identifying the trade of Our Lord’s foster-father as a carpenter.