Public Lecture

The Confraternity of Saint Peter in the United States has organised a pilgrimage to Ireland! October 14-23, 2024. Encounter our Lord through the beauty of the Irish countryside, the hundreds of ruined castles and abbeys, the spiritual bouquet found in the many churches including Knock Shrine. More information here.
Annual residential weekend of vocation discernment for Catholic men aged 18-30, on 16-18 February 2024 at Buckden Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots, Cambs PE19 5TA, UK. Starts Fri 5:00pm; ends Sun 2:00pm. Info/bookings: malleray@fssp.org
If you are a single Catholic man between 18 and 30 years of age, come and discern with us. Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP will lead the weekend. There will be talks, prayers, Holy Mass and informal chatting with fellow-guests. Possibility of private meetings with a priest, and of confession. Feel welcome confidentially to call, email or write for any questions. Holy Mass each of the three days.
COST: £95.00 per person in total (bed + full board). FREE for unwaged and students – give whatever amount you can.
BOOKINGS & CONTACT: [not via Facebook] malleray@fssp.org (read by Fr de Malleray only).
ACCESS: Direct train from London St Pancras to St Neots, every half hour, duration 56 minutes.
The nearest towns are Huntingdon (5 miles NNE of Buckden) and St Neots (5 miles South of Buckden). Both Huntingdon and St Neots are served by the West Anglian Great Northern Railway line from King’s Cross London to Peterborough. Let us know if you would need a lift from the railway station. There also are bus and coach links to both Huntingdon and St Neots from many parts of the country.
Available to read online here.
Editorial: Preparing for the Lord’s Coming
The bleak state of the world and Church should not dishearten us: rather, it should lead us to give thanks for every small achievement granted by God. There are signs that seeds planted some decades ago have started bearing fruit, by God’s grace, Fr de Malleray observes.
The Catholic Doctrine of the Angels
Oxford theologian Fr John Saward has written a new and accessible summary of the Catholic faith on the fascinating topic of uncorporeal created spirits, good and evil. Fr de Malleray reviews the book that explains why fear the demons and why rely on the good angels.
Dr Jordan Peterson, Commonsensically Ours
Sophia Rumpus reports on Dr Jordan Peterson’s recent Conference at the O2 Academy in London. She explains that Peterson, a clinical psychologist, author, and educator has risen to influential fame for speaking common sense to the modern audience. The absence of religious belief makes the younger generations even hungrier for truth.
Ivan Merz, A Youth Passionate For the Liturgy
Seminarian Stjepan Androić, FSSP describes the life and work of his fellow-Croatian Blessed Ivan Merz (1896–1928). The young layman had identified the Roman liturgy of his time as the richest vehicle of sanctification. His example shows that no only experts, but any of us Catholics, may become passionate for the way we pray and be strengthened in our faith.
On the Liturgy as the Highest Form of Art
Whereas Richard Wagner defined opera as the total form of art encompassing all other cultural expressions, Bl. Ivan Merz points to the Roman liturgy as the deepest implementation of that ideal, uniting music, poetry, choreography, painting, sculpture, architecture, goldsmithing, sowing, and sculpture in the most harmonious praise to God.
Support our Apostolate
With now five houses across the UK & Ireland, our ministry increases. Find out how you can endow us with the resources we need to serve more souls. Help us bring this country back to Our Blessed Lady, for the love of Jesus.
Please consider making a one-off or recurring tax-deductible donation to help us buy our house in Waterford. Click on the ‘Donations’ button to support us by card payment or here to access our bank details for setting up a standing order or making a credit transfer. Alternatively, cheques payable to ‘The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter’ may be posted here.
DonationsWe will spend an hour in Eucharistic adoration before Our Lord from 11pm to midnight followed by Sung Midnight Mass and a little celebration in the parish hall. What better way to conclude 2023 and begin 2024! Please note that there will be no 11am Mass on Monday, 1st January.