UK Summer Camps

We are delighted that after a two-year gap, it looks as though it will be possible this year to have our residential summer camps, for children aged 10-17.

St Peter Summer Camp for Boys runs 1-6 August

St Petronilla Summer Camp for Girls runs 8-13 August

Both camps take place at Savio House, Bollington (nr Macclesfield), in the gorgeous setting of the Peak District. There will be daily Mass, Compline, rosary, catechism & chant classes, sport, and various games. Very often the children put on a play for the parents at the end of the camp. Each camp is staffed by priests and seminarians of the FSSP, as well as a number of dedicated lay volunteers. Catering is provided by Savio House.

Please complete the booking form and return to Fr Phipps with deposit to book a place for your child. Please note, spaces are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.